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Wholesale kratom

  • What is our wholesale kratom MOQ?

    Bagus Botanicals is open to establishing new business accounts based on various factors including your location, consumer base, and commitment to fostering a long-term partnership. Our initial minimum order quantity (MOQ) starts at $575. We prioritize building mutually beneficial relationships with our partners.

  • Why do customers like our kratom the best?

    With our presence in Indonesia, we're able to source kratom directly from the farm, guaranteeing freshness that sets us apart from other brands whose products may be 2-3 years old. When your customers experience our latest batch, they're enjoying kratom that's only about 2 months off the tree. Think of it like indulging in a freshly baked cookie versus one found in the back of a cabinet from last year. Say goodbye to dusty kratom and embrace our fresh supply chain.

  • How do we know our 100% natural kratom is the strongest?

    Before launching our brand in 2023, we invested three years in comprehensive market research, identifying a significant gap in the market concerning quality. We founded our business with a steadfast commitment to the quality of our kratom. Our average Certificate of Analysis (COA) test score for potency stands at 2% MIT, nearly doubling that of our competitors. Your customers will notice the difference. 

  • How many shops do we work with?

    Given our current business model, we allow up to 900 shops to work as wholesale partners. Currently, we are operating at a 62% utilization of this allowance and warmly welcome new qualified partners to join us.

     By 2026, we can double this allowance due to the growth of our kratom farms in Kalimantan.