More than a pick-me-up, it's a flow-starter. I give 5-stars! Bagus transforms my day from hurried bursts to a graceful flow.
Beautiful Model, blonde hair
Sasha Beckham

Green Maeng Da

Perfect to power up your day

Comfortably Energized

White Maeng Da

Best for a lunchtime groove

Convenient way to take your euphoric energy on the go


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A cousin to coffee, this tropical tree is native to Southeast Asia and has been used for centuries for its energy boosting properties. We self source the finest quality from the island of Kalimantan, Indonesia. 

Lion's mane

This functional mushroom supports cognitive functions such as memory and focus, enhancing productivity and concentration. It has been used as medicine in Asia for centuries and was historically reserved for royalty.


This well-known adaptogen is famous for helping to boost immune system and provide sustainable energy without the “crash” often associated with caffeinated products. 


A cousin to coffee, this tropical tree is native to Southeast Asia and has been used for centuries for its energy boosting properties. We self source the finest quality from the island of Kalimantan, Indonesia. 

Lion's mane

This functional mushroom supports cognitive functions such as memory and focus, enhancing productivity and concentration. It has been used as medicine in Asia for centuries and was historically reserved for royalty.


This well-known adaptogen is famous for helping to boost immune system and provide sustainable energy without the “crash” often associated with caffeinated products. 

What is FLOW STATE ?

FLOW STATE is a kratom based nootropic powder carefully crafted to help boost energy levels, enhance focus, and uplift your mood. Bagus Botanicals’ mixture is versatile and easy to use. Add it to your morning smoothie, mix in your favorite juice, or go all the way with our gourmet recipes.

Whether you’re a student, athlete, busy professional or simply want to feel your best – FLOW STATE is a 100% natural way to supercharge your day.

Ingredients below

Bagus botanical flow state Powder nootropic Blend

What Are People Saying

5 star review for kratom
Charles Thompson / Customer

I’m a fan of the flow state supplements! I’ve been taking this for months. Good job to whomever formulated this.

5 star review for kratom
Akane / CEO Fujiya LLC

Bagus product is very effective for my mental health. The company also delivers a great service by informing their customers on many ways to consume the powder. My new favorite supplement. Shop flow state!

5 star review for kratom
Monika / Customer

I was shocked how well this actually works even my husband who is usually the first person to hate on health trends like this liked it!

5 star review for kratom
Tamara Cruz / Customer

2 servings is my feel good dosage. Delivery was 3 days to my house in Austin. I like the mojito mocktail recipe!

Functional Kratom
For Mind & Body

  • Kratom Documentary: "Leaf Of Faith"

    This captivating documentary plunges you into the world of kratom, an ancient botanical whisper touted as a potential alternative to conventional pain relief. Dive deep into its sun-drenched history in Southeast Asia, dissect its unique properties, and witness its promising therapeutic applications. This isn't just a leafy lecture – it's a thought-provoking exploration that questions the status quo and celebrates the verdant wonder of kratom. We wholeheartedly recommend this film to anyone seeking to expand their horizons and understand the potential of nature's hidden treasures.

Play Video about leaf of faith documentary cover
  • Natural vs Synthetic

    •  Natural kratom powder comes from the finely ground Mitragyna Speciosa leaves. 
    •  Natural leaf is considered to be a safer option if the appropriate steps are taken to ensure a clean and pure product. 
    • Synthetic kratom is usually more potent than natural leaf, and can be more addictive do to it's high concentration of the 7-Hydroxymitragynin. 
    • Synthetic is more often found in shots and beverages given it's water-soluble properties. 
    • You can usually tell if a product is synthetic or natural based on its mitragynine content. Natural kratom rarely exceed 2.5% on the certificate of analysis. 

Bagus Botanicals uses 100% natural kratom
Let’s talk kratom, a plant-powered companion that has some buzz, and some skeptics are scratching their heads. The FDA, our national food and drug watchdog, are keeping a close watch, but haven’t quite decided what to make of this botanical baddie.

Think of the FDA like your cool aunt who wants to make sure you’re eating your veggies before reaching for the candy. They’re all about safety, research, and making sure what you put in your body wont send you spiraling like a rogue frisbee. So, they haven’t given kratom the official thumbs-up for any medical approval, but also haven’t labeled it a full-blown villain of nature.

Here’s the twist: kratom in not your average Joe in the plant kingdom. It has a unique chemical makeup that doesn’t fit the usual plant medicine mold. Plus, many folks swear by its ability to boost focus and energy, minus the jitters of that afternoon espresso crash. Think of it as a brain-hack without the side-effects that make you wanna crawl under a desk and hibernate.

Now, the FDA and some other bigwigs in the health world, they aren’t blind to the potential upsides of kratom. There’s already over $30 million in research swirling around this plant, funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. But until the science catches up and the picture gets clearer, they’re urging caution and a heads-up chat with your doctor before diving in.

Remember, knowledge is power, and responsible choices are the name of the game when it comes to your well-being. So, whether you’re a kratom curious newbie or a seasoned explorer, keep the research fire burning, listen to your body, and make informed decisions. And hey, if you’re looking for quality kratom that’s been lab-tested for peace of mind, Bagus Botanicals delivers.

Life’s too short for subpar leaves: Discover the Bagus Botanicals difference.

Remember that time you felt like you were one green juice away from scaling Everest? Yeah, us too. That’s why when we stumbled upon this precious leaf deep in the Balinese jungle, we discovered kratom isn’t just a plant. It’s a secret weapon to help you summit new heights of productivity. But trekking through the world of kratom, we saw some dusty alleys and suspicious storefronts that wouldn’t pass a yogi’s vibe check, so we built a laboratory-approved jungle spa for your leaves. Our promise: pop a Bagus leaf and relax knowing you’re not riding the mystery bus, you’re reclining in the lab-tested first-class cabin, fueled by Mother Earth’s secret stash.

Green Kratom:

Imagine the clarity and precision of a mountain climber navigating a treacherous path. Green kratom unlocks a similar focus, naturally enhancing your cognitive performance without the jitters often associated with traditional stimulants. This carefully-sourced botanical treasure, rich in the naturally occurring compound mitragynine, acts as a gentle and sustained catalyst for cognitive function.

Unlike the synthetic “rocket fuels” of the modern world, green kratom offers a balanced, organic approach to focus and energy. Consider it as your brain’s personal optimization coach, guiding you towards sharper concentration, improved alertness, and increased productivity.

Green kratom, backed by a growing body of scientific research, offers a unique pathway to enhanced cognitive performance, naturally. Explore the Bagus Botanicals collection and discover the green magic for yourself.